标签:questions - 澳大利亚华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Top Floor Questions 悉尼

专家您好 我打算在 8 层楼中购买顶层单元,带环绕式阳台 1 您能想到顶层公寓除了高地层费之外的任何缺点 另外,目前这个单元有不间断的视野阳台北侧的城市(悉尼)景观 在查看市...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Granny Flat Questions 悉尼

大家好 几个简单的问题: 1)我在 149 证书中的哪个位置检查是否可以建造祖母房实际上并没有说禁止奶奶公寓是不是意味着它可以在获得同意的情况下建造 2) 如果您通过 DA 程序,是否...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房地产从 CIP 起步 - Questions Syd

我正在考虑涉足 CIP 我已经阅读了这些帖子,并试图弄清楚在 CIP 中开始需要什么 租户支付所有支出的概念听起来很吸引人 几个问题:1 你需要一个ABN 投资于 CIP,这是您在为企业开具发...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 First IP Questions Sydney

嘿伙计们我的第一篇文章!过去几个月我一直在论坛上,阅读了很多新的和旧的线程 所以我距离解决我的第一个 IP 大约有 2 周的时间 我有几个问题希望你们能帮助我 房子是一个3 卧室...澳洲华人论坛


For all the CVT Questions, Please Come see the ans

Just read all the articles from here www.cvt.co.nz 评论 Is a CVT transmission reliable? Yes, it is very reliable and I believe it will be the transmission of the future. More and more Car manufacturers are using it in their new vehicles a...澳洲华人论坛


questions answered

questions answeredquestions answeredquestions answeredquestions answeredquestions answeredquestions answered 评论 做假的话 你死定了 不作假 总会有解决的办法 但是做假你就死定了 评论 我也是这么想的。。。...澳洲华人论坛


SGHS Musical questions

Wondering if any current/former SGHS students/parents can help me? So we heard on the grapevine that the school is putting on a musical next year. One which my daughter is particularly interested in, so we're running a little recon Could any...澳洲华人论坛



Interview Questions A. Employment Prospects Employment Prospects Questions for the principal applicant Can you tell me briefly about your current employment, skills and experience? What is your preferred occupation in NZ? What do you know ab...澳洲华人论坛


参加活动——three questions

和她约定好,每天三门课,各答一个问题就有小红花。 饭时问之,”我今天回答了三个问题。 语文是, 一首诗,老师问:为什么它读起来朗朗上口? 大家有的答,重复,有的答反复,...澳洲华人论坛


visa 103 questions, pls help.

正在给父母申请103移民,在填写表格的时候有几个问题想麻烦大家帮忙回答下,谢谢! FORM956 最后签名的时候是签一个人的还是签父母两个人的? FORM47PA Q3,WITHDRAWAL OF PARENT VISA APPLICAT...澳洲华人论坛


FR 2012 exam short questions

以下 是我的考後記憶, 希望對你們有助 Financial Reporting 2012 first semester exam . short questions 1) consolidation module - calculations, they are similar to comprehensive example in the module and Q6.14 (i hope CPA don't c...澳洲华人论坛


Development / Planning questions

I am a town planner (DA planner), if you have any planning or development related questions (NSW only though), please ask away. I will try to help as much as I can. My time to give back to the community! 评论 which council la? 评论 If yo...澳洲华人论坛