标签:Phrase - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Phrase: At an Arm's Length

At an Arm's Length 这个短语我花了很长时间才搞清楚到底是什么意思。不能算特别常见,但我最少听local讲过十几次了,也不算生僻了吧。 到底什么意思呢?其实就是literally字面的意思,把...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Deafening Silence

又到了万般不愿地去上班的时候了...就发一个跟工作有些关系的短语吧 - deafening silence 字面意思可能有点自相矛盾,但中文有对应的句子 - 静得连根针掉地上都听的见 deafening silence也是...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Rub Me the Wrong Way

Rub Me the Wrong Way 含义:跟我对着干;太岁头上动土;就是合不来;讨厌 例句: A: B, you are rubbing me the wrong way. Stop your crap now or I will destroy you. B: Relax. This is just a job remember? C: But I really...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Throw the baby out with the bath water

Throw the baby out with the bath water 含义:不分青红皂白;一刀切 例句: CEO: We will have to outsource the entire IT department to cut cost. IT Manager: Then we'll be throwing the baby out with the bath water . I think we c...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: No Love Lost

No Love Lost 含义:字面的意思是说“没有任何爱意被毁掉”,引申的意思就是双方本来就是仇人,现在狭路相逢又乒乒乓乓地干起来,其实是情理之中的 例句: No love lost between the aussi...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Read Between the Lines

Read Between the Lines 含义:读出弦外之音 例句: A: The new job ladder looks terrible. I don't think they understand the nature of our job at all! B: Ya. If you read between the lines, you can almost hear them saying f*ck you, t...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention 含义:神圣的干预可以翻译成“老天爷开眼”。这也是个在工作环境里经常能碰到的词组,意思是指要奇迹出现才能如何如何的意思。 例句: A: This is it. We blow the deadl...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Second Fiddle

Second Fiddle 含义:第二重要的,二等公民。 例句: A: Gosh we're so second-fiddle in the eyes of our CEO. B: Yah? You think that's bad? I'm second fiddle to a laptop computer in the eyes of my husband! 评论 为什么呢?...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Fire in the Hole

Fire in the Hole 含义:马上要爆炸了的意思。工作上用不着,但电影里面总少不了 例句: A: Fire in the hole! (all soldiers run for cover. then nothing happened...) B: A, what's wrong? C: I think A forgot to pull t...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: In Two Shakes

In Two Shakes 含义:very soon,马上,很快。这是个比较老式的表达方式,但很俏皮。本身的含义是绵羊摆两下尾巴的时间。 例句: A: Hey B, did you get my email about the quarterly expense report yeste...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: There is nothing [something] can't fix

There is nothing [something] can't fix 含义:这绝对不是个严谨的表达,而是个感情化的说法,表示对某事物的偏爱和渴望。 例句: A: Ahh, I'm really tired. Thank God it's Friday! B: Hey how about a trip down...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: [not] Take No for an Answer

[not] Take No for an Answer 含义:不接受“不行”这个回答。用来指态度坚决,性格倔犟的人,无论如何都要达到目的。 例句: A: Look, we won't make it this week. Why don't we go see Stephanie and tell her...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Up and down like a yoyo

Yoyo: 溜溜球。 如果用yoyo来形容一个人就是说这人反复无常。贬义词。e.g. He is a real yoyo。 Up and down like a Yoyo. 像溜溜球一样上蹦下窜的。通常是贬义。 举个最近的实例:美国股市最近一...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Give me a buzz

公司里的澳洲同事们在打电话的时候,经常说Give me a buzz。 意思就是Give me a call,这个短语每天大量的出现。 不过有趣的是,我从来没听过我老板这样说过,不知道是啥原因。 查了Goo...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Play into [someone's] Hands

Play into [someone's] Hands 含义:玩某人得心应手的游戏;进入某人擅长的领域。 例句: A: We should withdraw from APAC market. We're not making any money here. B: Are you crazy? APAC is the future center of this plan...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Sink [one's] Teeth Into

Sink [one's] Teeth Into 含义:认真地开始做某事 例句: A: I just can't find time to finish my MBA course. Too busy with work! B: Look mate, if you are not going to sink your teeth into that, you should just pull off. Your MBA c...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Break a Leg!

Break a Leg 含义:这个可不是咒人的话,而是一个鼓励 - 鼓励对方放开一切顾虑,全力以赴 A: Ahhh, Marathon tomorrow for me. I hope I can get into the top 10! B: Totally. Go break a leg ! 评论 哈, 这个有意思...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Hell Break Loose; Sh*t Hit the Fan

Hell Break Loose Sh*t Hit the Fan 含义: Hell Break Loose: 地狱的门开了,剩下的自己想像吧 Sh*t Hit the Fan: 头顶上有风扇正在飞快地转,然后有人把一包屎扔到电扇上去,然后...... 这两个短语的含...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Feet on the Ground

Feet on the Ground 含义:又是一个非常形象而且好记的短语 - 中文也有对应的成语 - 脚踏实地 例句: A: Thank you honey. I know I can go wild with some of my ideas sometimes and forgot about the rest. But you hav...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Make Headlines

Make Headlines 含义:(无意地,不情愿地)成了新闻头条。一般用来指一个错误被公开化了,搞得路人皆知,让牵涉到的人抬不起头... 例句: A: I just kissed the HR girl once! Yes that's a tongue k...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: The Whole Nine Yards

The While Nine Yards 含义:全力以赴,不遗余力。工作学习中经常可以用到的 词源:见 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Whole_Nine_Yards 例句: A: I'm not sure if I still want to become a CA. B: CA? That's not easy...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Weather the Storm

Weather the Storm 含义:度过难关,挺过去 例句: A: Oh I'm stressed. The economy is in free fall. News of lay offs are everywhere. And I bought my house just months ago. B: Don't worry man, people will always find ways to weath...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Scratch The Surface

[not] Scratch the Surface 含义:毫发无损,用于否定语气的句子中。 例句: A: I think I've figured out how to resolve the bugs in our latest release of ERP software. B: Oh really? Look, just between you and me, I overhear...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: At Liberty

At Liberty 含义:自由地,随心所以地。这个其实算不得什么了不起的短语,但我还是想把它写出来,因为这是最地道的表达方式,英语说到底是一门语言,是工具,能说得地道,就算有口...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Out of the Woods

Out of the Woods 含义:摆脱困境。一般用于困难的情况正在改善,但并未完全脱离危险的语境。 例句: A: Finally. After 11 hours on the phone with Microsoft support, I think they've found the root cause. A hot...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Keep Up with the Joneses

Keep Up with the Joneses 含义:Jones是一个很常见的姓,在这里就是用来泛指身边的人。这个短语的含义是指人们之间的攀比 - 你家买了plasma,我明天就要上LCD;隔壁买了Volvo,赶明儿我就去...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: In the Bag

In the Bag 含义:十拿九稳;安全地;确定能实现。一般前面会有一个put或者have之类的动词,来形成[have/put] [that/it] in the bag这样的短语。非常口语化。 例句: A: Urrrrr! We're yet to figure ou...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Cut a Few Corners

Cut a Few Corners 含义:走后门,抄近路...谁说老外不玩这些... 例句: A: Ahh, I just don't know if I'm going to get an interview from that investment bank. B: Oh, still no news? Hmmm. How about this, I know a guy there, i...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Give [someone] a Break!

Give [someone] a Break 含义:大家应该都知道吧!主要以Give Me a Break就是“别再烦我了!”的意思。当[someone]是指别人的时候,往往是劝说第三者要给这个someone一个break。break在这里不是br...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder 含义:炮灰!当我学到这个词组的时候,我真的不知道是中文先有了炮灰,还是英文先有了Cannon Fodder... 注意是Cannon Fodder,不是Canon Folder。我见过不少老外都把这个词拼成C...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Set in Concrete; Carved in Stone; Casted in

Set in Concrete; Carved in Stone; Casted in Iron 含义:这三个词组基本上是三胞胎 - 含义是一模一样的。但使用的频率不一样,第一个大概最popular; 第二个偶尔可见;第三个很少有人用了,我见过...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: A Blessing In Disguise

A Blessing In Disguise 含义:中国人说福藏祸,祸藏福,英语里也有类似的句子 - A blessing in disguise就是说的一件看起来不好的,有害的事情,其实是一件好事,一个好机会。这是我比较喜欢...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Pardon my French

Pardon my French 含义:请原谅我说的脏话 这个词我其实不很确定还好不好用 - 世界越来越小,如果你用这个词的时候身边正好坐着一个法国人,她会怎么反应?恐怕不会太开心。但在”安...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Far out.

经常听到有人说Far out man! 就是Get out of here 或 jesus christ!的意思 Urbandictionary 上的解释: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=far+out When something is cool, you say Far Out! Often used by hippies.expr...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Do my head in

经常听人说 “Do my head in”, 想不到urbandictionary上也没有解释, 我认为是烦死了,受不了了的意思。 ie: You just do my head in. 你真TM烦死我了。 当然当面对人这样说很不礼貌,很不合适,...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Bury the Hatchet

Bury the Hatchet 含义:化敌为友,捐弃前嫌。当你在工作中跟同事有了严重的冲突,事后需要修补关系的时候能用上 例句: A: Hey B. Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings yesterday. It's just part of...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Even Steven

Even Steven 含义:公平的;相同的成绩、分数;不相上下。 这是个所谓的rhythmic slang,押韵的俏皮话。类似的还有: Okie Dokie ,这个大家恐怕都听到过吧? No way Jose !注意这个Jose的读音不...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Level with me

还是看电影看到的 A: Come on, didn't you know this before? B:No, I didn't. Please level with me. 谢谢楼下的解释,我纠正错误,敬礼一个 正确的意思是level with someone =to be honest with someone A: 得了吧。你...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: cool bananas

go bananas means go mad, go crazy cool bananas means cool down, calm down When you finished discussion with someone on something very difficult to deal with, you can say cool bananas. 评论 我也听过一个老大妈说过 感觉是表示赞...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Every so Often

Every so Often 含义:有时,偶尔的 例句: A: How is your project going? Everything OK? B: Good, good. We just run out of money every so often . I think my boss enjoys me begging him. A: Hey I saw you with a gorgeous lady in the p...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: PITA

PITA (Pain In The Arse) Politer version: Pain In The Neck 含义:讨厌鬼,难缠的事情 例句: A: This crappy software is such a PITA ! B: Well, it's written by the CEO's wife's company. Of course it will be a PITA because her nam...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Man Cold

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=man+cold 有一个非常近似的UK常用词叫man flu,也是同样的意思。下次你的男同事说他得了流感需要卧床休息,你可以这样来嘲笑他了 评论 Man boobs 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: walk the walk; talk the talk

Walk the walk Talk the talk 含义:这是一对双生的短语,walk the walk指的是有本事,能实干;talk the talk则是指能说会道。 例句: A: Wow, the new CIO's opening speech was the best I've heard. Yes I know they'r...澳洲华人论坛


phrase: buzz off!: buzz off

Buzz, 快速震动发出的声音,门铃, 警报器的响声都可以用buzz。 Buzz off 这个词其实很形象哦buzz off--leave immediately. 字面意思就是不要再按门铃了,引申就是别烦我啦,赶紧走开, get out o...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: jump out of skin

jump out of skin: 吓了一大跳。 Someone people said that he died a year ago, ran into me on Geek Street and nearly jumped out of my skin 评论 魂飞魄散。。。 评论 I think it should go like this I ran into someone people said h...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: All the World's Money -



Phrase: Married with Kids

Ha! Isn't this one confusing. 我见过无数国内的翻译,把这个短语翻译成“我是带着孩子结婚的。” It can't be more wrong! 这个短语的意思是,我已经结婚,而且有孩子了。适用于当一个充满魅力...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth This is another sentimental and powerful phrase which can win a girl's heart for you at the blink of eye. No, don't count on it. Still, this phrase will add lots of color and punch to your speaking. Imagine you look int...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: Tell me about it!

Tell me about it! 每个学习英语的人都迟早要碰到这个让人出一身汗的短语。Tell me about it!的字面含义很明白,就是让你把故事细细讲来听;我第一次听到的时候,是真的开始给对方仔细讲故...澳洲华人论坛


Phrase: An Act of Congress

An Act of Congress 美国的立法机制繁杂无比,一个bill要成为federal law,需要上下两院的批准还要肿桶签字才能生效,有时候提案要经过十几年的程序才能变成法律。所以才有了这样一个表达...澳洲华人论坛