澳洲Tax tips from the experts


If it's work-related, deduct it
Most people know that you can claim deductions for up to $300 in work-related expenses without having the receipts to prove it, but there are many other deductions available. CPA Australia suggests looking at the following possible deductions:

up to $150 in eligible laundry claims can be deducted without a receipt, even if you're over the $300 no-receipt threshold
home workers may be able to claim a deduction for heating, cooling, lighting and depreciating your office equipment or professional library, but you need to keep a diary of the hours worked at home for at least four weeks to substantiate the claim
education expenses for study directly related to your field can be claimed as deductions, but not if the study is to help you obtain new qualifications in a different field

Depreciate your tools
If an item or piece of equipment helped you earn assessable income other than business income over the past year, chances are you can claim some form of deduction for it.

Eligible items include tools, calculators, briefcases, computer equipment and technical books – the amount that different items can be depreciated for varies, so check CPA Australia or the Australian Tax Office website for the details.

Make your car a lean, mean, tax deduction machine
There are three different methods of claiming tax deductions for work-related motor vehicle travel – CPA Australia says tax savings can be had by choosing the method that works best for you.

If you are planning to claim a deduction for less than 5000 kilometres of work-related travel, you can claim a deduction for your car expenses on a cents-per-kilometere basis (check the work related car expenses calculator).

If you have kept a log book, odometer readings and receipts, you can claim a deduction for total running expenses. If you plan to claim for business travel in excess of 5000 kilometres, it may be possible to claim one-third of actual car expenses or 12% of the original value of the vehicle without a logbook.

This edited article by James Thomson and Mike Preston is reprinted with permission from SmartCompany (www.smartcompany.com.au).

How about my handbag which is big enough to hold A4 files? I carry it to work everyday and sometimes put files and company notebook in the bag. Can I claim it as work-related?



I was only joking..........

But what if I use the handbag as a brief case?


不过我感觉brief case应该就好退了。


can, if you use it at a conference.
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚请问大家 名下有两套投资房,买第一套的时候在银行贷的款。买第二套房时,银行把我第一套房做了抵押,然后才又多贷出来更多的钱买了第二套房。所以两套房就一个贷款账户 那么 ...


Land tax surcharge 有人拿到了吗?

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非税务居民报税,关于interest income 的问题

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salary packaging会影响medicare levy surcharge吗

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投资房利息值得salary packaging吗

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salary packaging还房贷这样操作可以吗

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