



http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses ... =/content/33086.htm                     
This means that your principal place of business is not at home, nor do you have an area or room primarily or exclusively set aside, but you conduct some business activities at home. For example, you might work for a few hours in the lounge room.

You can claim deductions for:

the cost of using a room's utilities, such as gas and electricity
business phone costs, and
the decline in value of office plant and equipment (for example, desks, chairs and computers).
You cannot claim a deduction for the following:

decline in value of curtains, carpets and light fittings, and
the cost of owning or renting the house (such as, rent, mortgage interest, insurance and rates).
If you claim a deduction on your utilities, you will have to apportion these expenses and show how you arrived at the amount you claimed as a deduction. You cannot base your claim on a floor area basis as the area is also used for non-business purposes.

http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses ... 003&st=&cy=

This means that your principal place of business is not at home but you have an area, such as a study or a spare room, set aside primarily or exclusively for business activities. For example, you may have an office elsewhere but work at home after hours.

You can claim deductions for:

the cost of using a room's utilities, such as gas and electricity
business phone costs
the decline in value of office plant and equipment (for example, desks, chairs and computers), and
the decline in value of curtains, carpets and light fittings.
You cannot claim a deduction for the cost of owning or renting the house (such as rent, mortgage interest, insurance and rates).

If your income includes personal services income, you may not be able to claim a deduction for occupancy expenses.

http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses ... 3191.htm&page=6

Keeping a diary

You can keep a diary that shows how you use your home work area for a representative four-week period each financial year to work out a pattern of use for your home work area for the entire year. You must allow for periods such as holidays and illnesses.

If there is no regular pattern to how you use your home work area, you must keep records of each time you use the area during the year and the purpose for which it is used.

You must keep a diary for each financial year.

Claim 26 cents per hour

Instead of recording actual expenses for heating, cooling, lighting and furniture depreciation (such as desks and shelves), you can claim a deduction of 26 cents an hour based on actual use or an established pattern of use. We base the rate of 26 cents an hour on average energy costs and the value of common furniture items used in home work areas.

You must separately work out all other home work area expenses, such as phone expenses and depreciation on computers or other equipment.

Where you can claim a GST credit for a depreciating asset, you must deduct the amount of the GST credit you can claim before you work out the depreciation deduction
26 cents per house是一般退税时候用的很多的,很方便。但是金额不是很多,就每年150刀吧


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