澳洲怎样可以early release出super


之前工作过一段时间,现在要上学交学费,就打起了super的主意,而且super公司每年一分钱没赚还扣七八百管理费,看了看super公司的规则,必须要领26周的centerlink福利才可以申请,因为我是不久前才PR,等不了这么久啊,打电话给Department of human services,接线员也说得领福利才有资格申请early release of super,有没有什么办法比如自己设一个养老金账目什么的把钱转走,要不然没钱付学费又要耽搁一整年了,着急啊!谢谢大家



he want to use for private purpose

not manage it

unless say you disable, loss the ability to work can early release super


Early Release of Superannuation

You can apply for your superannuation to be released early on specific compassionate grounds or on grounds of severe financial hardship.

Create your own brochure. View and print the entire guide or just the sections you need.

If you are not eligible

We can offer you support services if you are experiencing severe financial hardship. We can also help you get financial counselling as well as personal or family counselling from social workers. In some cases, special one-off payments may be available if you are experiencing extreme circumstances.

Visit your local DHS Service Centre for more information.

Terminal illness

If you are terminally ill, you can apply directly to your superannuation fund for the early release of your superannuation. You do not need to submit an application to us. You should contact your superannuation fund for more information.

Guidance for medical/dental practitioners and specialists

Guidance information for registered medical/dental practitioners and specialists for the early release of super to meet the cost of medical treatment that is not readily available through the public health system.

Quick links
• Application for medical treatment and/or transport
• Report for Medical Practitioners and/or Specialists
• Application for mortgage assistance
• Application for modifications to your home or vehicle
• Application for care for terminal medical condition
• Application for funeral assistance
• Specified Compassionate Grounds Proof of Identity Reference and Guidance form
• Guidance for medical/dental practitioners and specialists

In Australia, superannuation cannot generally be accessed before a person reaches their preservation age. However, in some limited circumstances the law does allow access to superannuation early. Most of the grounds under which early access is permitted are administered directly by the superannuation funds. These include:
•severe financial hardship
•terminal illness
•permanent incapacity
•balances of $200 or less, and
•permanent departure from Australia

If your circumstances match one of these grounds you should enquire directly to your superannuation fund.

Specified compassionate grounds

Our department is responsible for assessing applications for the early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds.  These include payments for:
•medical or dental treatment for you or your dependant
•transport for medical or dental treatment
•arrears on your mortgage to prevent your home being sold by your lender
•modification to your home or vehicle to accommodate a severe disability for you or your dependant
•palliative care for a terminal illness for you or your dependant
•expenses associated with your dependant’s death, funeral or burial

The regulations of compassionate grounds are set out in Australian law and whilst early access is possible it is always subject to strict legal criteria. Applications must be supported by evidence and applicants must not have the financial capacity to meet the costs they are applying for by any other means, such as savings.

Severe financial hardship

If you have been receiving an eligible Centrelink income support payment for at least 26 weeks, you may be able to apply direct to your superannuation fund for the early release of your superannuation benefits.

千万不要冲动噢。 illegal access super后果严重。拿出来的钱会变成你的assessable income 你个人会付所得税,税务局还会有25%的penalty,还有interest。

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