标签:students - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Three US students killed in crash named

http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/13666961/three-overseas-students-killed-in-crash/ NZ Newswire Updated May 12, 2012, 6:39 pm The three young people killed when a van rolled south of Lake Taupo on Saturday have been identified as Ame...澳洲华人论坛


zt: Foreign students on the rise

Foreign students on the rise By Lincoln Tan 5:30 AM Wednesday Nov 20, 2013 Chinese student Ely Chen says Auckland offers a good study environment. Photo / Natalie Slade New initiatives expected to result in further growth in international n...澳洲华人论坛


AUT Co-Op 机会

For all students that are intersted in a websales position for Co-op, here is an opportunity for you. PB Technologies is offering an intern position for a sales and marketing graduate. We provide a friendly working environment and excellent...澳洲华人论坛


关于international Students Scholarship.

本人international undergraduate, 读architecture 第二年,一直是自费留学,前一阵子在找关于international undergraduate scholarship的消息,去clock tower问了几次,结果总是很失望,第一次去问有没有sc...澳洲华人论坛


international students进。

小弟我也是international student-_- 明年有进AU的准备,请问一下读computer science第一年要多少NZD。谢谢各位 评论 我记得第一年8张Paper..International的话每张大概2000-3000NZD.. 这么算来20000块应该...澳洲华人论坛


Any law students?

Any fellow law students (any year) that we can get together to study, have lunch with, chat to? :) 4th yr here~ 评论 ...why suddenly need friends at the end of the year.... 评论 是比较难... 评论 想超作业了吧 评论 才第二年...澳洲华人论坛


Massey: 50 students rejected~~~

MASSEY已rejected 50个国际学生了~~~~~ 而且都是读NZDB进去的学生~~今天一大早我是听我朋友说的~ 因为我没看到具体的报道,只他听好几个朋友都说了且新闻上都有了。 具体的看下面的链接...澳洲华人论坛


For the first year students: DELNA test.

这个 DELNA english test是不是first year students一定要考啊~ 好多人都不知道有这个英语考试 只有去了orientation的几个人才知道== 那要是考不过的得怎么办呢~不给升学? 评论 去考吧. infosys110还靠...澳洲华人论坛


help students and people

proferssionals here helping students and people about their visas or study problem specialized in essays help, visa help,and pernament residency help within or outside nz,australia and south pacific area please add qq to chat874900948 or dir...澳洲华人论坛



In a clas s of 24 students,17 do Latin, 13 do Greek and 8 do Ancient History. What is the smallest possible number of students who take more than one of these subjects? (A) 6 (B) 7 (c) 8 (D) 10 评论 我做的答案是7个,对吗 评论 他...澳洲华人论坛


high school students 恋爱问题

我家是女儿。明年七年级,从今年上半年,班级里面就很多人谈论谁喜欢谁的问题。女儿的一个朋友很大方的说她喜欢某某男生。 我想问问妈妈们,当然我知道这个事情家长也不能左右...澳洲华人论坛


昆洲top OP students 和top op school

http://www.couriermail.com.au/ne ... ca5f44918577a3e6600 http://www.couriermail.com.au/ne ... ca5f44918577a3e6600 评论 Meet Queensland’s top OP students of the class of 2017 Emmaline Stigwood, The Courier-Mail February 18, 2018 12:00am...澳洲华人论坛


用medibank的overseas students insurance生孩子,

medibank的overseas students insurance,学校帮忙办的,最基本的险种,在澳洲怀孕做产检生孩子的话,medibank会报销多少?大约自己要支付多少呢? 有没有刚好用这家公司的海外学生在这里生过...澳洲华人论坛


Canterbury-Bankstown students top HSC subjects

http://express.whereilive.com.au ... s-top-hsc-subjects/ 这是LOCAL报纸上的文章,说的是CANTERBURY -BANKSTOWN 的学生高考成绩最佳。共有4个状元,17个全科优异生。 即:4/107 ;17/1331。 从一个地区来看还...澳洲华人论坛


Melbourne Uni: Future Students Explore The Universi

http://futurestudents.unimelb.ed ... interstate/victoria The University Of Melbourne Conducting Series of Information Sessions for Interested Students. 评论 谢谢分享 评论 University of Melb Open Day 16/8/2015 9am - 4PM (Thank you fo...澳洲华人论坛