标签:both - 澳大利亚华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Title=MyName, Loan=BothNames, 我可

您好,如果 IP 名称在我的名下(高收入者),但贷款在两个名下(以获得尽可能多的贷款),那么: 问题:我假设我可以根据我的纳税申报表申请所有贷款利息费用(即财产在我名下,...澳洲华人论坛


both fault应该怎么claim保险?

两辆车在倒车时都没注意到对方在倒车,车尾相撞。双方维修费都超过垫底费,并且都有第三险。请问这种情况下应该如何向对方索赔? 评论 各修各的...... 或者都找保险公司修对方的...澳洲华人论坛



剛 Fail 了 WOF, 說 Both front lower arm rear bushing broken and Front engine mount broken 請問修理要多少錢....請各位Quote 個價給我....謝謝..... 评论 要看你车值多少钱。貌似修理价格不菲。 评论 老車子...澳洲华人论坛



both are shxt car!! Tiida--fxxking transmission; viva--fxxking many kinds problem by holden 评论 沙发碉堡了 评论 别忘了就算不喜欢CVT, TIIDA也有4速波箱版本的 TIIDA CVT波箱可不可靠是个争议,但满大街的...澳洲华人论坛


如何提高 雅思 academic 阅读及写作 ?

both 5.5 目标6.5,求靠谱方法 or after hour study 谢谢 评论 阅读比较容易提高,词汇量+多做题 写作不好提高 评论 谢谢~继续百词斩 评论 写一个万能模板,啥话题都可以套用。哈哈 评论 试过...澳洲华人论坛


请问无犯罪证明 传真过来可以用么

both a police certificate and a photocopy of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad-移民局发来的信 police certificate 是谁给的? 公证之后的么? police clearan...澳洲华人论坛



请问both of the cars和both cars哪个用法对啊? 评论 都没有问题,both cars 更常见 我个人来说 评论 for your reference https://test-english.com/explanation/b1/both-either-neither/ 评论 客互换。...澳洲华人论坛



both太太和我Full time工作很忙,会有international travel.即使有父母暂时帮忙带,但大部分时间都更愿意自己花时间,因为觉得老人也需要有自己的生活。 她产后3月return to work,我大约一周可...澳洲华人论坛


求教: 5年级GA题

John says that both he (John) and his friend, Sam, are in their twenties, and that he is five times as old as Sam was when he (John) was three times the age he was when he was twice as old as Sam. How old are they? a 21 22 b 22 23 c 23 24 d...澳洲华人论坛



淡水喂了几次鱼后,这两天去码头钓了,天不错,太阳很温暖,浪也不算太浪。 跟边上的人学样,总算也抛出去了,不过就是没钓到,边上的人也没钓到 。 今天又一次性白抛了两个4刀...澳洲华人论坛


请教一个问题,关于If both的意思.

那位指导一下,这句话怎么理解: If both of us are not at home, you shouldn't do xxx. 是指:a.如果我们两个都不在家, 还是指: b.如果我们两个至少有一个不在家。 谢谢先。 评论 b 评论 should be A...澳洲华人论坛


Trust Vs Company

Ok, we know both structure have their advantages and disadvantages, when it comes to costs and asset protection. Though this is not an issue which bothers me right now, I am just curious (and for my own learning), that: -At what stage will h...澳洲华人论坛


Auction Contract

If both my wife and me want to buy a property during Auction at the weekend, but my wife will be out for travel during that time, so won't be able to sign the contract. Are there anyway that she can authorize me to add her to the contract du...澳洲华人论坛


land tax calculation

If A and B both own property C equally with land value 400k A individually own property D with land value 500k the land tax threshold is 500k how much is A's land tax if A is in NSW. (1) or (2)? (1)0 (2)(400k/2+500k-500k)*1.6%+100 评论 如果...澳洲华人论坛